
Electrocoagulation – get rid of capillaries

VC Cosmetology

Description of the procedure

Skin issues pose a significant problem for many people. They are also likely to affect their wellbeing and confidence. In the process of reduction of such visible imperfections the key is to choose the right method, one which is adjusted to the patient's individual needs and the specific nature of their problem. When it comes to burst capillaries on the face, you can choose the electrocoagulation treatment that we provide at our Preston beauty salon. This cosmetic skin treatment doesn’t require any surgical incisions, though a needle is used to penetrate the skin. That is why it is called minimally invasive.

What is electrocoagulation?

It is a treatment for broken capillaries that is also known as surgical diathermy or thermolysis. It uses the properties of high-frequency electrical current to remove lesions on the face skin. While performing electrocoagulation treatment, a professional uses a thin needle (electrode) that is adapted in shape and size to suit the given skin problem. The reduction of spider veins is due to the high temperature; electrical impulses coagulate protein, which causes the blood vessels to close.

What happens during electrocoagulation treatment?

The treatment for capillaries on the face is quick and usually takes only a few minutes, though its duration may vary depending on the size and type of the lesion. Before treatment the skin must be cleansed, and it is recommended to avoid intense cosmetic treatments for a month before undergoing spider vein reduction. During electrocoagulation treatment of burst blood vessels, a professional uses a needle whose type is individually selected based on the patient’s needs (it can be shaped like a ball or a loop). Though much depends on the particular skin problem, it is recommended to perform 1-2 sessions.

Preparing for spider vein reduction treatment

It is recommended to avoid sunbathing as well as certain cosmetic procedures before undergoing electrocoagulation treatment. After capillary reduction treatment you should follow the specialist’s recommendations. This includes keeping the area subjected to treatment for broken capillaries dry for about 12 hours and abstaining from intense exercise. To ensure proper care after treatment, it is recommended to refrain from using preparations with retinol, vitamin C, or acids. Moreover, it is also important to protect your face skin against sun rays and to use sunscreens.

Indications for electrocoagulation

Electrocoagulation can be primarily used as a treatment for broken capillaries on the face. It is especially recommended for those who have already tried various methods that did not eliminate the problem. What is more, electrocoagulation is also used for the reduction of milia, xanthomas, fibromas, seborrhoeic keratoses, and even skin erosions in some cases. It is important to remember that you should consult a dermatologist to assess your skin imperfections and to decide whether a given method is appropriate for you.

What are the contraindications for electrocoagulation?

As with every procedure, there may be contraindications that make it impossible to undergo treatment for burst capillaries on the face. Contraindications to the use of electrocoagulation for the reduction of spider veins include, among others:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • recent suntan,
  • tendency to get keloids,
  • skin damage in the area to be treated,
  • active infections,
  • uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure,
  • pacemaker implant.

During the procedure patients may experience mild discomfort, such as a tingling or warm feeling. In some cases it is possible to use local anaesthesia to reduce unpleasant sensations.

Electrocoagulation at our beauty salon in Preston

If you want to resolve your issues with burst capillaries on your skin, you can undergo special skincare therapy. The electrocoagulation treatment offered at our Preston beauty salon is used, among other things, to reduce unaesthetic changes on the face. Schedule an appointment to learn more – we will go through all the details together and answer all your questions.

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